Thursday, September 13, 2007

Have you all got blogstipation?

So no one has posted a comment on my first blog.
Patiently for the last 22 days I've waited for even one brave soul to make some comment - even if it is from a blogroach. But nothing.
Zilch. Zero. Silence.
Is it because something has entered the blogosphere and inflicted all bloggers with blogstipation?
Is it because it's only blurkers who are reading my blog and you're out there lurking around quietly?
Is it because commenter's are blego-ing and in measuring this bloggers worth that too has been zilch!

What is it? Why?
How do you think this makes me feel?

Is this both the genius of a blog while at the same time the curse of a blog?
If no one comments - a blogger can say whatever they want. Its a bit like the speech you've gone over a hundred times in your head that you'd like to give to your boss, your colleague, your neighbor with the cat (for no reason other than they've got a cat!), or your mother-in-law.
So you say it.
But here's the curse - no one heard it! Or if they did - it wasn't your boss, colleague, neighbor or mother-in-law.

But this brings me back to my blog.
Does silence mean I stop and just return to my day job of saying what I want to say from the pulpit on Sundays ....which come to think of it can often be like my first blog - zilch, zero, silence!
Do you just say something when you're guaranteed a response?
Do you only say something for a response?
Is there value in just saying?

Let me put it this way. "Silence", wrote Stephen Webb, "is constructed not natural."
The zero, zilch, silence my first blog has incurred doesn't mean there hasn't been a response. The response has been the construction of silence.

So I'll keep saying, because in saying something is always constructed.

Parents, lovers, teachers, preachers need to keep saying ...... even in the silence.