Spent the evening working on some papers about values.
During two conversations this week I've been asked if our vision/mission is written down any where.
My answer is slightly surprising to some - especially fellow GHC pastors........
NO, and never will be.
Redeemer's Church is only the sum total of what we do - our values.
Aubrey Malphurs says it this way "You won't do ministry that really matters until you define what matters".
In the real world, everyone will know what your church is about not by a statement written but by seeing what it is you are actually doing, and you do what you value.
I'm not saying that at Redeemer's Church we haven't spent time thinking through our vision, even writing it down in staff and leadership settings, but it is meaningless, if not sinful, if you aren't doing it.
[Excuse me if I seem slightly distracted I am actually watching a really funny episode of The Office as I try to write this ........some distraction before heading to the sack.]
No matter what you write or say - you are only doing what you're doing!
This is my bottom line,.
So, at Redeemer's we focus on modeling our values, talking about them - formally and informally, we try to make sure our values are actionable ...they can be done, not just said.
I think part of this conviction is driven by the emerging culture where genuineness is core. To some degree vision/mission statements are from modernity - linear thinking. Today's generation do not seek linear paths, they seek authenticity - "are they doing what they say they are supposed to be doing?"
It's a bit like a church name. Do we do inside what the label says outside; are we making false promises; are we misrepresenting ourselves?
So many vision and mission statements do just this. Grand statements that have no bearing on current reality.
If you want to go this way, don't call it a mission or vision statement - call it an "aspiration statement."
Or better ...... don't print one, instead major on values.
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